FTC-Recovery Frauds

FTC-Recovery Frauds (Sep. 2, 2024)

Don’t be Re-Victimized by Recovery Frauds

“We can get your money back.”

If you recently lost a portion of your savings or retirement nest egg to a cryptocurrency, forex, or binary options scam, an offer to recover your lost funds may sound very appealing. Unfortunately, for many victims of fraud, the offer may be another scheme that adds insult to injury. 

Recovery scams are a form of advance-fee fraud—when you are asked to pay upfront for the chance of getting a much bigger sum of money later. Recovery frauds target victims already harmed by other frauds.

If you’ve been a recent victim of fraud, be prepared to guard against these follow-on schemes.

FTC News Release - FTC-Recovery Frauds

FTC-Recovery Frauds

Date: Sep. 2, 2024

Accessed: Sep. 2, 2024

Source URL: https://www.cftc.gov/LearnAndProtect/AdvisoriesAndArticles/RecoveryFrauds.html


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