Category: Junk Fees

Junk Fees refer to unnecessary or hidden charges that service providers or businesses add to transactions, often with little transparency or value provided in return. These fees, which can appear in contexts such as loan agreements, hotel bookings, or event tickets, are typically designed to boost profits by exploiting consumers’ lack of awareness or bargaining power. Examples include excessive processing fees, mandatory add-ons, or inflated administrative charges. Junk fees can lead to a deceptive pricing experience, where the actual cost of a product or service is obscured by these additional, often non-negotiable, charges, ultimately diminishing consumer trust and increasing financial burden.


CFPB-PR-240808-1 (Aug. 8, 2024) CFPB Takes Action Against Credit Repair Cloud and CEO Daniel Rosen for Enabling Credit Repair Companies that Harvest Illegal Fees – Proposed order requires defendants to pay $3 million Date: Aug. 8, 2024 Accessed: Aug. 26, 2024 Source URL: Categories: CFTC CFTC-24 CFTC-2401 Credit Repair Cloud Junk Fees PDF Notes: […]