
CFPB-PR-240821-1 (Aug. 21, 2024)

CFPB Takes Action Against Fay Servicing for Illegal Foreclosure Actions and Violating Law Enforcement Order – Order requires the mortgage servicer to pay $5 million in redress and penalties, and sets compensation limits on CEO Edward Fay

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) today ordered Fay Servicing to pay a $2 million penalty for violations of mortgage servicing laws, as well as for violations of a 2017 agency order that addressed its illegal foreclosure practices. The company failed to implement the order’s requirements and continued to break the law. Fay Servicing took prohibited foreclosure actions against borrowers requesting mortgage assistance, failed to offer borrowers mortgage assistance options available to them, and overcharged for private mortgage insurance. In addition to the civil money penalty, the CFPB’s order requires Fay Servicing to pay consumer redress of $3 million and to invest $2 million to update its servicing technology and compliance management systems. The order also puts compensation limits on Edward Fay, the company’s Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer (CEO), if Mr. Fay does not take actions necessary to ensure compliance with the order.

CFPB News Release - CFPB-PR-240821-1


Date: Aug. 21, 2024

Accessed: Aug. 26, 2024

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