Category: Misleading Public Pension Fund

Misleading Public Pension Fund refers to the deceptive practices or inaccurate representations about the financial health or performance of pension funds that are intended to create a false sense of security or mislead stakeholders. This can involve underreporting liabilities, overstating asset values, or presenting overly optimistic forecasts to mask potential funding shortfalls or financial instability. Such misleading information can result in inadequate funding strategies, misallocation of resources, and ultimately jeopardize the financial stability of the pension fund, potentially compromising the retirement security of beneficiaries who rely on these funds for their future financial well-being.


SEC-PR-2024-09 (JAN. 25, 2024) Source: Download: SEC-PR-2024-09 ⊗ (PDF) PRESS RELEASE | 2024-9 SEC Charges Chicago-based Aon Investments and Former Partner with Misleading Pennsylvania Public Employees’ Pension Fund. Washington D.C., Jan. 25, 2024 — The Securities and Exchange Commission today announced settled charges against Aon Investments USA Inc., a Chicago-based registered investment adviser, and […]