Category: Fictitious Sales

Fictitious Sales in financial markets refer to transactions where securities are purportedly bought or sold but don’t involve a genuine change in ownership or economic interest. These sales are typically undertaken to manipulate market prices, deceive investors, or fabricate trading volumes. Fictitious sales not only distort market prices but also undermine the integrity and efficiency of financial markets, eroding investor confidence and potentially leading to significant losses for unsuspecting participants.


CFTC-PR-8848-24 CFTC Charges a Trader for Engaging in a Fictitious Sales Scheme Date: Jan. 16, 2024 Date Accessed: Aug. 1, 2024 Source URL: Categories: CFTC-2401 Fictitious Sales Scheme PDF Notes: The PDF viewer below disables the links inside the PDF file. The PDF file may be downloaded if you wish. All links within the PDF Download are fully functional.