Category: Horseracing Safety & Integrity Authority

Established by Congress as a private self-regulatory organization, the Horseracing Integrity and Safety Authority (HISA) is tasked with developing and enforcing rules related to horseracing, including anti-doping, medication control, and racetrack safety. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) provides broad oversight over HISA, including the approval or disapproval of proposed rules following public comment. Additionally, any civil sanctions imposed by HISA for rule violations can be appealed to the FTC.


FTC-PR-240129-1 (Jan. 29, 2024) FTC Announces Rule Changes Designed to Increase Oversight Effectiveness Over Horseracing Safety and Integrity Authority – Proposed expansion of oversight rule adds transparency and clear guidelines for Authority; updates to budget provisions streamline oversight process The Federal Trade Commission has proposed a number of changes and additions to the rules governing […]