Category: Elder Protections

Elder Protections from fraud, abuse, and exploitation involve a comprehensive legal and support framework designed to safeguard older adults from harm and financial exploitation. These protections include legal statutes such as elder abuse laws, mandatory reporting requirements for suspected abuse, and regulations that govern financial transactions to prevent exploitation. Additionally, agencies and organizations dedicated to elder care provide resources and support services, including hotlines and counseling, to help elders and their families identify and respond to potential abuse. Efforts also include public awareness campaigns and education programs aimed at recognizing warning signs and empowering elders to protect themselves. Together, these measures aim to create a safer environment for older adults and ensure they receive the respect and protection they deserve.

As the Administrator of, I am also Elderly and retired, so I will be updating this category often.

Elder Protections

Article – Elder Protections (Articles) Elder Protections Elder Protections from federal agencies in the U.S. are designed to safeguard older adults from financial exploitation, fraud, and abuse, recognizing their vulnerability in various aspects of life. Several key federal agencies play significant roles in implementing these protections: Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB): The CFPB focuses on […]


FTC-PR-240307-3 (Mar. 7, 2024) FTC Convenes Advisory Group to Fight Scams Against Older Adults – April 2 meeting of advisory group will highlight information gathered by committees since previous meeting The Federal Trade Commission will host an online meeting of the Scams Against Older Adults Advisory Group on April 2, 2024. The meeting will include reports from […]