Category: Supply Disruptions

Supply Disruptions refer to interruptions or delays in the flow of goods and materials from producers to consumers, often caused by various factors such as natural disasters, geopolitical events, logistical failures, or pandemics. These disruptions can lead to shortages, increased prices, and delays in delivery, impacting businesses and consumers alike. For instance, a natural disaster might damage infrastructure, while geopolitical tensions could restrict trade routes. Companies might face difficulties in sourcing raw materials or components, leading to production slowdowns or halted operations. Supply disruptions highlight the vulnerabilities in global supply chains and can prompt shifts in inventory management and sourcing strategies to mitigate future risks.


FTC-PR-240313-2 (Mar. 13, 2024) FTC Issues Infant Formula Supply Disruptions Report Today, the Federal Trade Commission issued a report on market factors relevant to infant formula supply disruptions, which details aspects of the U.S. infant formula market that rendered it vulnerable to supply disruptions in 2022. The report also outlines considerations for policymakers to help create a […]