Category: Romance Scams

Romance Scams are a deceptive tactic employed by individuals who create fake online personas to establish romantic relationships with unsuspecting individuals, often through dating websites or social media platforms. These scammers invest time in cultivating a sense of trust and emotional connection with their victims before exploiting them for financial gain. Once trust is established, they often fabricate elaborate stories to evoke sympathy and manipulate their victims into sending money or providing personal information. These scams can have devastating financial and emotional consequences for the victims, leaving them financially depleted and emotionally shattered when they realize they have been deceived.


CFTC-PR-8859-24 CFTC Customer Advisory Alerts App and Social Media Users to Financial Romance Fraud. Valentine’s Day Brings Romance Investment Scams Back to Forefront. Date: Feb. 7, 2024 Date Accessed: Aug. 1, 2024 Source URL: Categories: CFTC Advisories CFTC OCEO CFTC-2402 Investment Scams Romance Scams PDF Notes: The PDF viewer below disables the links inside the PDF file. […]


CFTC-PR-8850-24 CFTC Charges Bogus Digital Asset Platform with Fraud and Misappropriation in an Online Romance Scam. Five Victims Lost $2.3 Million to Con Targeting Asian Americans. Date: Jan. 19, 2024 Date Accessed: Aug. 1, 2024 Source URL: Categories: CFTC-2401 Affinity Fraud Bogus Trading Platforms Digital Asset Fraud Frauds Targeting Asian Americans Romance Scams DEBIEX PDF […]