Category: Advance Fees

Advance Fees fees are payments made upfront for services or products that are promised but often never delivered, and they are commonly associated with various types of fraud. Scammers use advance fees to deceive individuals or businesses by convincing them to pay in advance for loans, investments, or goods with the assurance of future returns or delivery. Once the fee is paid, the fraudsters disappear, leaving the victims with no recourse and no promised service or product. This type of fraud exploits trust and preys on the victim’s desire for quick gains or solutions, making it essential for individuals to verify the legitimacy of offers and be cautious when asked for upfront payments.

Report instances of advance fee fraud online to:

These agencies investigate and take action against fraudulent activities to protect consumers.

FTC-Advance-Fee Loans

FTC-Advance-Fee Loans What To Know About Advance-Fee Loans Some companies promise you a loan or credit card regardless of your credit history. But they want you to pay a “processing” or other fee first. Those are scams. Learn the telltale signs. Do you need to borrow money to make auto repairs, consolidate credit card debt, […]