Category: Registration Revocations

Registration Revocations typically refer to the legal process through which a governing authority or regulatory body cancels or withdraws the registration of an entity, such as a business or a vehicle, due to non-compliance with specific rules, regulations, or obligations. This action is often taken when the registered entity fails to meet certain requirements mandated by law, such as maintaining valid licenses, submitting necessary documentation, paying fees, or adhering to operational standards. Registration revocations can have serious consequences, including rendering the entity ineligible to legally operate or conduct business until the issues prompting the revocation are resolved and the registration is reinstated or reissued through a formal process.


CFTC-PR-8948-24 (Aug. 21, 2024) CFTC Files Actions to Revoke Registrations of Introducing Broker, Commodity Pool Operator, and Associated Person for Violating CEA Antifraud Provisions Washington, D.C. — The Commodity Futures Trading Commission today announced it commenced actions to revoke the registrations of Purvesh Mankad, and his affiliated entities CTAX Partners, LLC and CTAX Series, LLC. Date: Aug. 21, 2024 Accessed: […]


File ID: CFTC-PR-8920-24 Date: June 13, 2024 Accessed: June 21, 2024 Headline:  CFTC Permanently Revokes Registrations of Mississippi-based Commodity Trading Advisor and Associated Person. Source: Categories: COMMODITY TRADING ADVISOR (CTA) REGISTRATION REVOCATIONS CFTC-PR-8920-24 – Viewer: ▼▼▼ (Download PDF File ⊗)


CFTC-PR-8876-24 CFTC Files Action to Permanently Revoke Registrations of Mississippi Man Convicted on Criminal Charges Date: Mar. 13, 2024 Date Accessed: Aug. 1, 2024 Source URL: Categories: CFTC-2403 Commodity Trading Advisors Registration Revocations PDF Notes: The PDF viewer below disables the links inside the PDF file. The PDF file may be downloaded if you wish. All […]