Category: Investment Advisers

Investment Advisers (RIAs) are financial professionals or firms that manage investments and provide advice to clients and are required by law to register with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) if they manage assets above a certain threshold. Registered advisers must comply with stringent regulatory standards under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, including fiduciary duties to act in the best interests of their clients, providing full disclosure of conflicts of interest, maintaining proper records, and adhering to SEC rules on client communications and advertising. They undergo regular examinations by the SEC to ensure compliance with these standards. In contrast, Exempt Reporting Advisers (ERAs) are a subset of investment advisers exempt from full SEC registration but still required to file reports with the SEC, such as a truncated version of Form ADV. ERAs often include advisers who solely manage private funds and have assets under management below the SEC registration threshold, allowing them to avoid the comprehensive regulatory requirements applicable to SEC-registered RIAs while still providing basic disclosure to the SEC and complying with anti-fraud provisions of federal securities laws.

You can find out how to get in touch with your state securities regulator to obtain information about additional requirements with individual states. You can locate state-registered investment advisers through the website of the North American Securities Administrators Association, Inc. (NASAA).


CFTC-PR-8861-24 CFTC Approves a Joint Final Rule to Amend Form PF Regarding Reporting Requirements for All Filers and Large Hedge Fund Advisers Date: Feb. 8, 2024 Date Accessed: Aug. 1, 2024 Source URL: Categories: CFTC-2402 Form PF Investment Advisors PDF Notes: The PDF viewer below disables the links inside the PDF file. The PDF file may […]

Investment Advisors

Article – Investment Advisors (Articles) An Investment Advisor is a professional who provides financial advice and investment strategies to individuals, businesses, or institutions. Their primary goal is to help clients make informed decisions about their investments to achieve their financial objectives. Investment advisors may offer services such as portfolio management, financial planning, retirement planning, and […]


SEC-PR-2024-09 (JAN. 25, 2024) Source: Download: SEC-PR-2024-09 ⊗ (PDF) PRESS RELEASE | 2024-9 SEC Charges Chicago-based Aon Investments and Former Partner with Misleading Pennsylvania Public Employees’ Pension Fund. Washington D.C., Jan. 25, 2024 — The Securities and Exchange Commission today announced settled charges against Aon Investments USA Inc., a Chicago-based registered investment adviser, and […]