Category: Agency No-Action Position

The Agency No-Action Position is a formal stance taken by regulatory agencies, particularly in the financial sector, indicating that they will not take enforcement action against a company or individual for a specific proposed activity or practice, provided it is conducted in accordance with the guidelines or conditions outlined in the position. This approach offers a degree of regulatory certainty and protection to the entity involved, allowing them to proceed with their activities without the immediate risk of regulatory penalties or legal challenges, as long as they adhere to the stipulations set forth by the agency. It essentially functions as a preemptive assurance from the agency regarding their enforcement priorities.


CFTC-PR-8955-24 (Aug. 29, 2024) CFTC Staff Extends Brexit-Related No-Action Positions Washington, D.C. — The Commodity Futures Trading Commission’s Division of Market Oversight (DMO) and Market Participants Division (MPD) announced today they are extending temporary no-action positions in connection with the withdrawal of the United Kingdom (UK) from the European Union (EU), known as Brexit. [See CFTC […]