Category: Selling Sensitive Location Data

Selling Sensitive Location Data involves the collection and distribution of detailed geographic information about individuals, often without their explicit consent. This data, which can reveal a person’s movements, habits, and frequently visited places, is typically gathered through mobile apps, GPS services, and other digital platforms. Companies may sell this information to advertisers, marketers, or even government agencies, raising significant privacy concerns. The ethical implications are profound, as users often remain unaware of how their data is being used and who has access to it, leading to potential misuse and exploitation.


FTC-PR-240109-2 (Jan. 9, 2024) FTC Order Prohibits Data Broker X-Mode Social and Outlogic from Selling Sensitive Location Data – FTC charges X-Mode and Outlogic with selling raw location data, failing to obtain informed consumer consent Data broker X-Mode Social and its successor Outlogic will be prohibited from sharing or selling any sensitive location data to […]