
FTC-PR-240223-1 (Feb. 23, 2024)

FTC News Release - FTC-PR-240223-1


FTC Finalizes Order with Global Tel*Link Over Security Failures that Led to Breach of Sensitive Data

The Federal Trade Commission has finalized an order with prison communications provider Global Tel*Link Corp. and two of its subsidiaries settling charges they failed to secure sensitive data of hundreds of thousands of users and failed to alert all those affected by the incident.

In a complaint first announced in November 2023, the FTC says that Virginia-based Global Tel*Link and two of its subsidiaries failed to implement adequate security safeguards to protect sensitive personal information they collect from users of its services, which enabled bad actors to gain access to unencrypted personal information stored in the cloud and used for testing. Global Tel*Link waited approximately nine months to notify affected customers and only contacted 45,000 users—even though the breach may have affected hundreds of thousands of additional customers—that their personal data may have been compromised as a result of the data breach.

Date: Feb. 23, 2024)

Accessed: Sep. 6. 2024

Source URL:  https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/news/press-releases/2024/02/ftc-finalizes-order-global-tellink-over-security-failures-led-breach-sensitive-data


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