Date Released:
January 4, 2024
FTC-PR-240104-1 – FTC, Connecticut Take Action Against Manchester City Nissan for Deceiving Consumers, Forcing Junk Fees – Federal court complaint against dealer, owners, and key employees charges deceptive and unfair practices involving “certified” used cars, government fees, and add-ons
The Federal Trade Commission and the State of Connecticut are taking action against auto dealer Manchester City Nissan (MCN), along with its owner and a number of key employees, for systematically deceiving consumers about the price of certified used cars, add-ons, and government fees.
The complaint alleges that the dealership, in addition to deceiving consumers, regularly charges them junk fees for certification, add-on products, and government charges without the consumers’ consent, sometimes costing them thousands of dollars in unwanted and unauthorized charges.
Connecticut also alleges that all these practices are deceptive or unfair under Connecticut law.
“With this action against Manchester City Nissan, its top executives, and its managers, the Commission and its partner, the State of Connecticut, continue to crack down on deceit and unfairness in the auto industry,” said Samuel Levine, Director of the FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection. “This action follows on the heels of the Commission’s announcement of the Combating Auto Retail Scams (CARS) Rule, and once again makes clear that bait-and-switch tactics and hidden junk fees have no role in honest dealmaking.”
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[Date Accessed: 3/3/2024]
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