
FTC-PR-240311-1 (Mar. 11, 2024)

FTC, 10 States Take Action Against Operator of Sham Cancer Charity for Deceiving Donors – Complaint charges Women’s Cancer Fund and Gregory Anderson with raising more than $18 million from donors, with only 1% going to financial support for cancer patients.

The Federal Trade Commission and 10 states are suing sham charity Cancer Recovery Foundation International, also known as Women’s Cancer Fund, and its operator, Gregory B. Anderson, for deceiving generous donors who sought to offer financial support to women battling cancer and their families.

FTC News Release - FTC-PR-240311-1


Date: Mar. 11, 2024

Accessed: Aug. 29, 2024

Source URL: https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/news/press-releases/2024/03/ftc-10-states-take-action-against-operator-sham-cancer-charity-deceiving-donors


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