Extortion Scams – Article

JCAP101.com - ExtortionExtortion Scams – Article (Articles) (Extortion Scams)

Extortion is a criminal offense that involves coercing an individual or entity to obtain money, property, or services through threats, intimidation, or the misuse of authority. It is a serious crime that can have devastating effects on victims, both financially and emotionally. Understanding the various forms of extortion, its legal implications, and how to protect oneself is crucial in today’s society.

Understanding Extortion


Extortion is the act of obtaining something, typically money, from someone through intimidation or threats of harm. It can involve threats of physical violence, damage to property, or the exposure of sensitive information.

Common Forms of Extortion

  1. Threat of Violence (G)
    • Perpetrators may threaten physical harm to the victim or their loved ones to compel compliance.
  2. Blackmail (G)
    • Involves threatening to reveal damaging information about the victim unless a payment or favor is provided.
  3. Cyber Extortion (G)
  4. Extortion by Public Officials (G)
    • Corrupt officials may demand bribes or favors in exchange for services or to avoid legal repercussions.
  5. Business Extortion (G)
    • Involves threats against a business to extract money or services, often through intimidation tactics.

Legal Implications

Criminal Charges

Civil Liability

Protecting Yourself from Extortion

  1. Stay Informed
    • Awareness of common extortion tactics can help individuals recognize and avoid potential threats.
  2. Document Everything
    • Keep records of all communications and threats received, including dates, times, and details of the interaction.
  3. Do Not Comply
    • Avoid giving in to extortion demands. Complying may encourage further threats or demands.
  4. Report to Authorities
    • Always report extortion attempts to law enforcement. Providing details can help authorities investigate and prevent further crimes.
    • (FBI)Electronic Tip Form
  5. Seek Legal Assistance
    • Consult with a lawyer if you believe you are a victim of extortion. Legal professionals can provide guidance on your rights and options.
    • Review our Legal Services page to locate an Attorney in your jurisdiction.


Extortion is a serious crime that affects individuals and businesses alike. By understanding the nature of extortion, recognizing its various forms, and knowing how to protect oneself, individuals can reduce their vulnerability to such threats. It is essential to remain vigilant and seek help from authorities and legal professionals when facing extortion attempts.

(Source: www.fbi.gov) (Accessed: 10/10/24) (Download PDF Below)


(Source: www.fbi.gov) (Accessed: 10/11/24) (Download PDF Below)
