CPSC-RECALL-25-051 (11-21-2024) (CPSC-PR-2411)
Todson Recalls Nerf Barrage Bicycle Helmets Due to Risk of Head Injury; Violation of Federal Regulations for Bicycle Helmets; Sold Exclusively at Walmart
Description: This recall involves Nerf Barrage Youth bike helmets. The helmets have a blue/orange exterior, black straps, an orange buckle, and are size medium (M). NERF is printed in white lettering on the sides of the helmet. Model 6011 is printed on a label on the inside of the helmet. The lot number (LOT#) and reference number (REF#) can be found on the same label on the inside of the helmet. Only helmets with LOT# BC01BJ01-200623 and REF# 5382-BL and LOT# BC01BJ01-111521 and REF# 4970-BL are included in this recall.
Remedy: Consumers should stop using the recalled Nerf Barrage helmets immediately and contact Todson Inc. for a full refund. To receive a refund, consumers should destroy the helmet by cutting off the straps, then take a photo, and send the photo to the recalling firm by email at NerfHelmetRecall@Todson.com. After submitting proof of destruction, consumers should dispose of the recalled helmet. Todson is contacting all known purchasers directly.
Incidents/Injuries: None reported
Sold At: Walmart stores nationwide and online at Walmart.com from January 2022 through May 2024 for about $30.
Manufacturer(s): Jingzhou Taike Sport Equipment Co. Ltd, of China
Importer(s): Todson Inc., of Foxboro, Massachusetts
Manufactured In: China
Recall number: 25-051
CPSC-RECALL-25-051 (11-21-2024)