CFPB-PR-241121-1 - CFPB-PR-241121-1 CFPB-PR-241121-1 (11-21-24) (CFPB-PR-2411)

CFPB Finalizes Rule on Federal Oversight of Popular Digital Payment Apps to Protect Personal Data, Reduce Fraud, and Stop Illegal “Debanking” – Final rule brings supervision to Big Tech and other widely used digital payment apps handling over 50 million transactions annually

Excerpt:  WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) today finalized a rule to supervise the largest nonbank companies offering digital funds transfer and payment wallet apps. The rule will help the CFPB to ensure that these companies – specifically those handling more than 50 million transactions per year – follow federal law just like large banks, credit unions, and other financial institutions already supervised by the CFPB. The CFPB estimates that the most widely used apps covered by the rule collectively process over 13 billion consumer payment transactions annually.

“Digital payments have gone from novelty to necessity and our oversight must reflect this reality,” said CFPB Director Rohit Chopra. “The rule will help to protect consumer privacy, guard against fraud, and prevent illegal account closures.”


Categories:  Agency Rulemaking

CFPB-PR-241121-1 (11-21-24)