Category: Cyberstalking

Cyberstalking is a form of online harassment where an individual uses the internet, social media, or other digital communication methods to stalk, intimidate, or threaten another person. This behavior can involve persistent and unwanted messages, monitoring online activities, spreading false information, and making threats, often leading to emotional distress for the victim. Cyberstalking can occur through various platforms, including email, social media, and messaging apps, and it may escalate to real-world stalking or violence. The anonymity provided by the internet can embolden perpetrators, making it challenging for victims to seek help or protection. Cyberstalking is a serious offense that poses significant psychological and emotional risks to individuals, necessitating legal action and support for victims.

Cyberstalking – Article

Cyberstalking – Article (Articles) (Cyberstalking) Cyberstalking is a form of online harassment that involves the use of technology to intimidate, harass, or track individuals. As the internet and social media platforms have grown in popularity, so too has the prevalence of cyberstalking, which can have serious emotional and psychological effects on victims. Understanding what cyberstalking is, how it […]